Kids ER Doc A leading national blog
on children's health
& emergency care

Infants and Constipation – Be in the Loop About Infant Poop

January 26, 2013

One of the more common reasons for visits to the emergency department is constipation and abdominal pain. Constipation concerns parents at all stages of their child’s development – infancy, toddler, school age and beyond. Because this is such a broad topic, I am going to focus on infants and constipation. What defines constipation in an…

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Frostbite in Children — Baby it’s Cold Outside!

January 24, 2013

Many of you on the East coast have probably been talking about the weather and how it has been bitterly cold outside. Where has all that global warming gone? If your kids play outside even though the high is only 10F, you should be aware of these few things: 1. Always dress your kids in…

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How to Remove Crayons and Other Objects From Your Child’s Nostril

January 21, 2013

One of the more common complaints we see in the emergency department is “foreign body in the nose”. I have recovered crayon caps, beads, pieces of tissue, berries, and a plastic Barbie shoe among other things from children’s nostrils. The question parents want answered is how to remove objects from a child’s nose at home…

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Spacers vs. Nebulizers for Asthma – Which is Better?

January 18, 2013

East Harlem in NYC is one of the asthma capitals of the nation, so, as you can imagine, I treat lots of asthmatics, big and small. A common question that parents have asked me on discharge is whether they can have a prescription for a nebulizer machine. Many parents feel that nebulizer machines are more…

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Children and Concussions – The New Energy Crisis

January 18, 2013

Many times, parents have asked me what defines a concussion. One of the misconceptions about concussions is that it is a “bruise to the brain”. This is in fact not the case. A bruise to the brain is another way to describe a contusion to the brain and is something that can be seen on…

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Elderberry and Flu Symptoms – What’s the Evidence?

January 16, 2013

Elderberry and Flu Symptoms We have seen so many patients in the emergency department with “flu like symptoms”. This includes high fever, muscle aches, respiratory symptoms, occasional nausea and vomiting and overall fatigue. Flu symptoms can last over a week in some patients and in some cases result in serious complications like pneumonia and sepsis….

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Cornstarch and Diaper Rash

January 15, 2013

With all the rampant stomach flu going around, we have seen our share of bad diaper rash in the emergency department. When I ask parents what they use for diaper rash, one of the common responses I get is “cornstarch”. Cornstarch and diaper rash might seem like a great combination but does it really work?…

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Children and Concussions – What a Headache!

January 15, 2013

As a pediatric emergency physician and a hockey mom, concussions are at the forefront of my list of things to worry about (as if I don’t have enough already). This month’s issue of Pediatrics (the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) just published an article on what our pediatricians and emergency medicine providers…

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Natural Cold Remedies for Kids; What’s the Evidence?

January 11, 2013

Now that it’s winter we have seen our share of runny noses, ear infections, nagging coughs and missed school days. Trips to the health food store present a dizzying array of cold and flu fighting options. Vitamin C, Echinacea, and zinc are the commonly sold items. The question we all want answered is whether they…

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