Kids ER Doc A leading national blog
on children's health
& emergency care

Moved to the burbs!

February 6, 2014

Well, it’s certainly been a very long time since I’ve written for kidserdoc. Since I last posted, we finally moved into our new home. Our kids our adjusting to suburban life really well, but I am still getting used to all the driving. So, my pants are getting tight from the lack of walking and…

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The Bottom Lyme

August 12, 2013

My first reaction to moving to the suburbs was “Wow! The kids will finally have a backyard! We can grill; the kids can run around; the dog will finally be free and not destroy my living room. My next thought was – Wow! A Backyard! Tall grass and ticks! Lyme disease! Fortunately, running around Central…

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Mosquitos, Ticks and Flies Oh My! A Parent’s Guide to Insect Repellent

July 16, 2013

My daughter and husband are the exact opposite of an insect repellent. Mosquitoes seem to love my daughter; during the warm summer months she is a mosquito magnet, covered head to toe in mosquito bites. Not only does she seem to acquire several mosquito bites, but she also has the added bonus of being allergic…

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What is the role of a camp doc?

July 11, 2013

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to go back to sleep away camp (as the camp doctor for my daughter’s camp). When we enrolled my daughter for sleep away camp, I thought being the camp doctor at her camp would be a relaxing blissful week away in the peaceful Maine woods. Maybe I would…

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Back from a long slumber

July 9, 2013

For those of you who have been following my blog, you probably noticed that I have not posted in a while. The past few months have been pretty crazy. On the personal front, we have almost sold our apartment, and then not..almost bought a new home and then moved in, and then not. Kids are…

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Fresh off the Press – New Concussion Guidelines!

April 1, 2013

With all the recent news about concussions and hockey season well under way, I wanted to update you with the newest guidelines posted by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Thousands of hours of research were invested in putting together these guidelines which will hopefully help us diagnose and manage concussions more effectively. These guidelines…

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A visit to the Emergency Room for children… with my daughter

February 22, 2013

As an ER doctor I see lots of kids – some of whom are very sick, many of whom have runny noses or a rash for 3 months…and I have to confess to wondering why parents bring their kids to the emergency room for children sometimes. So, I tend to under react with my own…

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Natural Solutions to a Cough

February 14, 2013

Many of us have seen articles in the news about how effective honey is as a natural cough suppressant. As a pediatrician I am relieved to be able to offer a safe alternative to children who present to the emergency department with a persistent sleep disruptive cough. This is especially because the “traditional” cough suppressants…

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Arnica for Kids — How Effective is Arnica for Bumps and Bruises?

February 7, 2013

The other week I was working in the emergency department when a mom told me that she was using arnica to treat her child’s bruise. I have to confess that prior to this interaction, I had never used arnica myself or heard of its use in the pediatric population. Arnica montana is a medicinal herb…

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The 411 on 911 – How to Navigate the Emergency Department with Your Child

January 30, 2013

Today we presented a skit on advocating for your child in the emergency department to parents from the Little Sisters organization of East Harlem. I am extremely grateful to Little Sisters of East Harlem, R Baby and Baby Buggy for giving me opportunity to do this. In an emergency situation, we as parents might be…

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